Connect or Disconnect
Making connections with people can have a positive impact on our experiences. Talk about a person or a group of people you have made a strong connection with in your program and share some of your fondest memories you have created with that person or group. This may come across as pretentious but I consider myself a unique social being. I started noticing this around the start of college, partially feeling like I did not need any friends because the best ones I could ever have were at home/I felt satiated within my social relationships. I understand the arrogance and brashness of these statements, but I had had the same friend group since about middle school, my best friend is my cousin and we are like brothers, and all the friendships I made throughout high school seemed to augment what I already had. I felt like I had enough. This leads to hours spent alone, on the phone communicating with old friends via social media, and not pursuing new opportunities. T...